Source code for transplotter

import utrs as u
import variants as v
import protdomains as pds
import coverage as c
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import pandas as pd

[docs]def make_protein_domain_color_file(protein_domain_file, transcript_l, database, sortby_col_l, out_path): '''Make a protein domain color file. Args: | protein_domain_file (str): path to file containing the protein domain information. | transcript_l (list of strs): list of Ensembl transcript IDs. | database (str): protein domain database. | sortby_col_l (list of strs): list of names of columns to sort the DataFrame by. | out_path (str): path to write the protein domain color file to. ''' print("make_protein_domain_color_file") protein_domain_df = pds.get_protein_domain_df(protein_domain_file, transcript_l, database, sortby_col_l) protein_domain_color_s = pds.get_protein_domain_color_s(protein_domain_df) protein_domain_color_s.to_csv(out_path) print("Written protein domain color file to {0}\n".format(out_path))
[docs]def make_exon_coord_file(cov_file, transcript, out_path): '''Make an exon coordinate file from a coverage file. Args: | cov_file (str): path to coverage file. | transcript (str): Ensembl transcript ID. | out_path (str): path to write the exon coordinate file to. ''' print("make_exon_coord_file") cov_df = c.get_cov_df(cov_file, transcript, None, None, []) exon_coord_df = c.get_exon_coord_df(cov_df) exon_coord_df.to_csv(out_path, index=True) print("Written exon coordinate file to {0}\n".format(out_path))
[docs]def make_png(transcript_l, title_l, track_l, sample_ll, utr_file_l, exon_coord_file_l, cov_file_l, variant_file_l, protein_domain_file_l, protein_domain_color_file, setting_dict, png_file): '''Make a png which contains coverage/variants/protein domain tracks for 1 or more transcripts, subject to space limitations. Args: | transcript_l (list of strs): Ensembl transcript ID(s) | title_l (list of strs): title to use for each transcript. | track_l (list of strs): list of strings of length 3 which encode whether to generate each of the 3 tracks (coverage, variants, protein domains). | sample_ll (list of list of strs): list of lists of sample IDs. | utr_file_l (list of strs): list of utr file paths. | exon_coord_file_l (list of strs): list of exon coordinate file paths. | cov_file_l (list of strs): list of coverage file paths. | variant_file_l (list of strs): list of variant file paths. | protein_domain_file_l (list of strs): list of protein domain file paths. | protein_domain_color_file (str): protein domain color file. | setting_dict (dictionary): settings for making the png. | png_file (str): path to write the png file to. ''' print("make_png") #Check the parameters are well-formed. if len(transcript_l) == len(title_l) == len(track_l) == len(sample_ll) == len(utr_file_l) == len(exon_coord_file_l) == len(cov_file_l) == len(variant_file_l) == len(protein_domain_file_l): True else: print("ERROR: Parameters of make_png function which are lists must all be the same length.\n") return False #Check that the maximum number of tracks is not exceeded. num_rows, previous_track = 0, None track_gap_dict = dict(zip(["c","v","pd", None], [setting_dict["c_track_gap_rows"], setting_dict["v_track_gap_rows"], setting_dict["pd_track_gap_rows"], 0])) for track_s in track_l: if track_s[0] == "1": num_rows += track_gap_dict[previous_track] + setting_dict["c_track_rows"] previous_track = "c" if track_s[1] == "1": num_rows += track_gap_dict[previous_track] + setting_dict["v_anns_top_rows"] + setting_dict["v_track_rows"] + setting_dict["v_anns_bot_rows"] + setting_dict["v_key_rows"] previous_track = "v" if track_s[2] == "1": num_rows += setting_dict["pd_track_rows"] + track_gap_dict[previous_track] previous_track = "pd" if num_rows > setting_dict["fig_num_rows"]: print("ERROR: PNG figure requires {0} rows but there are only {1}\n".format(num_rows,setting_dict["fig_num_rows"])) return False #Initialise the figure. fig = plt.figure() plt.rc('text', usetex=True) #Make the axes. get_tp_from_exon_bp_l = lambda bp, exon_bp_l: exon_bp_l.index(int(bp)) + 1 num_rows = setting_dict["fig_num_rows"] start_row = 0 title_1_coords = None for i in range(len(transcript_l)): print("Transcript: {0}".format(transcript_l[i])) #Read in the exon positions and the utrs. exon_coord_df = pd.read_csv(exon_coord_file_l[i], index_col="exon") strand = "+" if (exon_coord_df["end_bp"] > exon_coord_df["start_bp"]).all() else "-" if strand == "+": print("Transcription direction: forward") elif strand == "-": print("Transcript direction: reverse") exon_bp_l = [] for j in range(len(exon_coord_df.index)): if strand == "+": exon_bp_l.extend(range(exon_coord_df["start_bp"].iloc[j],exon_coord_df["end_bp"].iloc[j]+1)) elif strand == "-": exon_bp_l.extend(range(exon_coord_df["start_bp"].iloc[j],exon_coord_df["end_bp"].iloc[j]-1,-1)) utr_df = u.get_utr_df(utr_file_l[i], strand, transcript_l[i]) #Add the transcript positions to utr_df. utr_df["start_tp"] = utr_df["start_bp"].apply(func=get_tp_from_exon_bp_l, exon_bp_l=exon_bp_l) utr_df["end_tp"] = utr_df["end_bp"].apply(func=get_tp_from_exon_bp_l, exon_bp_l=exon_bp_l) #Make the title track if i == 0: plt.figtext(setting_dict["title_1_fig_x"], setting_dict["title_1_fig_y"], title_l[i], fontsize=setting_dict["title_fontsize"]) title_1_coords = fig.transFigure.transform((setting_dict["title_1_fig_x"], setting_dict["title_1_fig_y"])) else: title_track = plt.subplot2grid((num_rows,1), (start_row,0)) title_track.set_axis_off() inv = title_track.transData.inverted() title_track.text(inv.transform(title_1_coords)[0], setting_dict["title_2_ax_y"], title_l[i], fontsize=setting_dict["title_fontsize"]) start_row += setting_dict["t_track_rows"] #Make the coverage track.''' if track_l[i][0] == "1": print("Making coverage track.") cov_df = c.get_cov_df(cov_file_l[i], transcript_l[i], None, None, sample_ll[i]) [bound_l, color_l, edge_color_l] = get_exon_bound_color_l(exon_coord_df, utr_df, strand) coverage_track = plt.subplot2grid((num_rows,1), (start_row, 0), rowspan=setting_dict["c_track_rows"]) start_row += setting_dict["c_track_rows"] c.make_track(coverage_track, cov_df, bound_l, color_l, edge_color_l, setting_dict) start_row += setting_dict["c_track_gap_rows"] #Make the variants track.''' variant_track = None if track_l[i][1] == "1": #Make the variants track. print("Making variant track.") variant_df = v.get_variant_df(transcript_l[i], variant_file_l[i]) variant_df.rename(columns={"pos":"bp"}, inplace=True) variant_df["tp"] = variant_df["bp"].apply(func=get_tp_from_exon_bp_l, exon_bp_l=exon_bp_l) #variant_df.drop_duplicates(subset=["GENE_prot_change","GENE_DNA_change"], inplace=True) variant_df.sort_values(by="tp", inplace=True) start_row += setting_dict["v_anns_top_rows"] variant_track = plt.subplot2grid((num_rows,1), (start_row,0)) start_row += setting_dict["v_track_rows"] start_row += setting_dict["v_anns_bot_rows"] variant_key = plt.subplot2grid((num_rows,1), (start_row,0), rowspan=setting_dict["v_key_rows"]) start_row += setting_dict["v_key_rows"] [bound_l, color_l, edge_color_l] = get_exon_bound_color_l(exon_coord_df, utr_df, strand) v.make_track(variant_track, bound_l[-1], bound_l, color_l, edge_color_l, variant_df, setting_dict, variant_key) start_row += setting_dict["v_track_gap_rows"] #Make the protein domain track.''' if track_l[i][2] == "1": #Make the protein domains track. print("Making protein domain track.") protein_domain_df = pds.get_protein_domain_df(protein_domain_file_l[i], [transcript_l[i]], "Pfam", ["Start","End"]) protein_domain_track = plt.subplot2grid((num_rows,1), (start_row,0)) start_row += setting_dict["pd_track_rows"] protein_domain_color_df = pd.read_csv(protein_domain_color_file, header=None, names=["Domain", "Color"], index_col="Domain") protein_domain_color_s = pd.Series(data=protein_domain_color_df["Color"], index=protein_domain_color_df.index) del protein_domain_color_df protein_domain_color_s = protein_domain_color_s.apply(lambda x: x if "," not in x else tuple([float(f) for f in x.split(",")])) pds.make_track(protein_domain_track, protein_domain_df, utr_df, protein_domain_color_s, setting_dict, variant_track) start_row += setting_dict["pd_track_gap_rows"] fig.set_size_inches(setting_dict["fig_width_inches"], setting_dict["fig_height_inches"]) plt.savefig(png_file, dpi=setting_dict["fig_dpi"]) print("Written {0}.\n".format(png_file))
[docs]def get_exon_bound_color_l(exon_coord_df, utr_df, strand): '''Get the bounds, colors and edge colors required to generate a color bar that displays the utrs and exons for a transcript. Args: | exon_coord_df (DataFrame): contains the exon base pair and transcript position coordinates. | utr_df (DataFrame): contains the utr base pair and transcript position coordinates. | strand (str): specifies whether the transcript is on the positive or negative strand. Returns: exon_bound_color_ll (list of lists of ints and strs): contains bound_l, the list of bounds, color_l, the list of colors and edge_color_l, the list of edge colors. ''' bound_color_df = pd.concat([exon_coord_df,utr_df]) bound_color_df.drop(["start_bp","end_bp"], axis=1, inplace=True) bound_color_df["utr"].fillna(value="exon", inplace=True) bound_color_df.sort_values(by=["start_tp","end_tp","utr"], inplace=True) bound_color_df.index = range(len(bound_color_df)) bound_color_df.index.rename("",inplace=True) #print bound_color_df for i in range(1,len(bound_color_df)): if bound_color_df.loc[i,"end_tp"] == bound_color_df.loc[i-1,"end_tp"]: continue if bound_color_df.loc[i,"start_tp"] < bound_color_df.loc[i-1,"end_tp"]: bound_color_df.loc[i,"start_tp"] = bound_color_df.loc[i-1,"end_tp"] + 1 bound_color_df.drop_duplicates(["start_tp","end_tp"],inplace=True) #print bound_color_df bound_color_df["color"] = ["white"] * len(bound_color_df.index) exon_color_l = ["red","#6E6E6E"] exon_color_i = 0 for i in bound_color_df.index.tolist(): #print i if bound_color_df.loc[i, "utr"] == "5'" or bound_color_df.loc[i,"utr"] == "3'": bound_color_df.loc[i,"color"] = "white" else: bound_color_df.loc[i,"color"] = exon_color_l[exon_color_i] exon_color_i = 1 - exon_color_i bound_l = bound_color_df["start_tp"].tolist() transcript_len = bound_color_df.iloc[len(bound_color_df.index)-1]["end_tp"] if bound_l[-1] != transcript_len: bound_l.append(transcript_len) color_l = bound_color_df["color"].tolist() edge_color_l = ["black" if color == "white" else color for color in color_l] exon_bound_color_ll = [bound_l, color_l, edge_color_l] return exon_bound_color_ll